about paul
Paul discovered his fascination with nature as a child working in the garden with his family and started a landscaping business when he was fifteen.
When he realized that he had no clue about landscaping or design, he sold the thriving business and completed the AS degree program in Ornamental Horticulture at Bergen Community College. Paul then earned a BS in Environmental Planning and Design from Rutgers University School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (Cook College Campus) with a concentration in Urban Design from The University of Urbino, Italy.
After teaching for a few years right out of school he earned an M.A. in Environmental Studies from Montclair State University with concentrations in Environmental Public Policy and Environmental Education from The New Jersey School of Conservation located in Stokes State Forest, NJ.
Paul has been lecturing and teaching in the Ornamental Horticulture Program at Bergen Community College since he graduated over thirty-five years ago and freely admits that he learns as much from his students as they learn from him.
Designing and building ridiculously beautiful landscapes is his the day-job for the past forty years but his mission is to educate others about his discoveries and observations of nature and how it relates to all aspects of a healthy life.
With a son out college and off to the races in life, Paul spends his free time traveling, learning new ideas, honing his craft and looking for the next interesting client with an inspiring project. He is grateful and honored for the many amazing mentors and opportunities and he knows that sharing his observations and experiences with nature can make a positive impact on his community.